When to contact a psychologist: signals that should not be ignored

During a military conflict, our psyche becomes subject to constant challenges and tests. Fear for one’s own life and the lives of loved ones, uncertainty, change of residence and living conditions, loss of relatives — all this has a significant impact on our psychological health.

How to understand that you need help and it’s time to contact a psychologist? Our columnist, clinical psychologist and cognitive-behavioral consultant Oleksandr Zaitseva, answers. In today’s world, the question «How to understand that I should consult a psychologist?» is becoming more and more popular.

Of course, there is a universal answer: if you are uncomfortable with yourself and the world. But these are very generalized words, so I suggest you familiarize yourself with several points that are bells and tell that you should definitely contact a psychologist. If things that used to bring pleasure do not have the same effect now.

This is called anhedonia and is one of the criteria for depressive states. If you have become indifferent to almost everything (or everything), there are no emotions or they are very dull. Of course, now it is fashionable to «score on everything», but when nothing bothers you, it can be apathy as a prelude to depression. If your eating behavior has changed.

That is, you began to eat much more or, on the contrary, lost your appetite or the feeling of hunger. If sleep behavior has changed. That is, you began to sleep more and still do not feel restored, or you cannot fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the night and can no longer go back to sleep.

These are the «riders of the apocalypse», or symptoms that, in sum, signal a depressive state. If you have a lot of anxiety and negative automatic thoughts that are very difficult to get rid of. Anxiety states can also be accompanied by poor sleep. You may have a fast heart rate most of the day, constant headaches, exhaustion from activities that used to not be so tiring.

The hands may shake or the eye may twitch. Cheekbones can also hurt, because at night you clench your teeth very hard without realizing it. Loss of motivation and confusion about the future are other aspects that may indicate the need for psychological counseling. It can help you find motivation and set life goals.

Therefore, if you feel confused, do not know what to do with your life and have no desire to move anywhere, write to a psychologist and find answers to these questions. These are bells that should be consulted with a psychologist. It can help you understand and overcome emotional difficulties.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help, because this is your strength. Talking to a professional can be the first step towards improving your psychological state and health in general. Conditions of military conflict can create significant psychological stress.

The most important thing is to pay attention to the signals that your own psyche is sending. If you notice changes in your emotional state, sleep, appetite and other aspects of psychological well-being, do not hesitate to contact a qualified psychologist. Professional support can help you overcome these difficulties and maintain your mental health.




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