The importance of a psychological approach to learning

The importance of a psychological approach to learning

The academic year 2023-2024 in Ukraine began in a non-standard way, because students in different cities of the country are faced with different forms of education. Some children remained in distance learning, others returned to school classrooms, and a school in the subway even opened in Kharkiv. UNIAN learned how parents should behave in this situation and how to communicate with their children while studying.

Education formats in Ukraine today

At the beginning of the year, many parents were confused about the education format that Ukraine will choose in 2023. Now it became known that there are three formats of education: face-to-face, distance and mixed.

The face-to-face format is possible if the educational institution is equipped with reliable conditions that can accommodate all students and teachers. However, not all cities can boast of such conditions, and in this case, a better alternative may be a mixed format, where the theory is studied online, and for practical classes, children are required to come to an educational institution.

Disadvantages of distance learning at school

Although distance learning has become the norm for many students, this format has its drawbacks. It is important to understand that distance learning can affect the psychological state of children. Lack of personal communication with peers and teachers can lead to feelings of loneliness and social isolation. Also, some children may lose motivation to study during online lessons.

How to get a child interested in going to school — options

It is important for parents to know how to get their child interested in going to school in distance or blended learning. One of the ways is to create a comfortable environment where the child will feel supported and interested in learning. It is also important to stimulate interest in subjects that interest the child and look for common interests that can be developed together.

What to do if the child does not want to go to school — advice for parents

If your child expresses disapproval of going to school, it is important to listen to their fears and concerns. Talk to her about the reasons for her dissatisfaction and try to find a solution together. Children may experience fear of unfamiliar situations or certain school tasks. The support, understanding and help of parents can greatly facilitate the adaptation of a child to learning.

Psychological support for children

Psychological support is important for children who are experiencing difficulties in learning or adapting to a new learning format. Contacting a school psychologist or a private specialist can help resolve psychological issues that arise in children during classes


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